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In the Small Business Edition for previous years, a “small” MSP was defined as a company with 10 or fewer employees. But as the industry matures, many MSPs are experiencing unprecedented growth.

For instance, more than 90 percent of the firms on this year’s MSPmentor 501 ranking added to their headcounts in 2015.

As a result, we felt it prudent and logical to increase the size threshold for consideration as a “small” MSP to 15.

In all, 141 of the firms on the MSP501 list fell under this threshold – comprising just over 28 percent of the 501 MSPs.

Those companies generated more than $881 million in 2015 revenue, or just under 9 percent of the $9.82 billion in annual recurring revenue earned by the overall MSP501 list.

Interestingly, one in five of the companies on the Small Business Edition (20 MSPs) reported having just a single employee.

Topping this year’s Small Business Edition is Cornerstone Information Technologies, which does business as Cornerstone.IT.

The New York, NY, firm is run by Tommy and Jim Moreo and reported a headcount of nine employees.

We hope you’ll find this ranking valuable and encourage you to keep an eye out in the coming days and weeks for profiles and other stories about many of the companies on the MSP501 lists, discussions of key insights from the data, and additional rankings, like lists of the top MSPs in various regions of the world.

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